实验说明 :
ac1使用vlan 10 网段10.0.0.1 24 作为管理vlan
首先配置DHCP让ap获取到地址(与ap连接的交换机trunk 配置pvid为管理vlan vlanid)
配置wlan 配置ap-id ap-group ap加入ap-group
配置ssid模板,安全模板,vap模板(转发模式,业务vlan) ,ssid模板和安全模板绑定vap模板
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[AC6005]sysn AC
[AC]dhcp enable
Info: The operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment.done.
[AC]v b 10 20
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done
[AC]int Vlanif 10
[AC-Vlanif10]ip address 24
[AC-Vlanif10]dhcp select interface
[AC]ip pool pool1
[AC-ip-pool-pool1]network mask
[AC]int Vlanif 20
[AC-Vlanif20]ip add 24
[AC-Vlanif20]dhcp select global
[AC]int g0/0/1
[AC-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p l t
[AC-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p t a v 10 20
[AC]capwap source interface Vlanif 10
## 此时已经建立了capwap隧道在ac上可以查到ap分配了ip地址 可在ap上使用dis arp 查看ip地址是否配置成功,也可在ac上使用dia ap all
[AC-wlan-view]ap-id 1 ap-mac 00e0-fc82-2240 # 此处为要加入该ac的ap的mac地址
[AC-wlan-view]ap-group name group1
[AC-wlan-ap-1]ap-name ap1 # 改个名无所谓
[AC-wlan-view]ap-group name group1
[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1]regulatory-domain-profile default
Warning: Modifying the country code will clear channel, power and antenna gain c
onfigurations of the radio and reset the AP. Continue?[Y/N]:y
[AC-wlan-view]ap-id 1
[AC-wlan-ap-1]ap-group group1
Warning: This operation may cause AP reset. If the country code changes, it will
clear channel, power and antenna gain configurations of the radio, Whether to c
ontinue? [Y/N]:y
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment.. done.
[AC-wlan-view]dis ap all
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment.done.
Total AP information:
fault: fault [1]
ID MAC Name Group IP Type State STA Uptime
1 00e0-fc82-2240 ap1 group1 - AP2050DN fault 0 -
Total: 1
[AC-wlan-view]ssid-profile name ap1
[AC-wlan-ssid-prof-ap1]ssid HuaweiAP
Info: This operation may take a few seconds, please wait.done.
[AC-wlan-view]security-profile name ap1anquan
[AC-wlan-sec-prof-ap1anquan]security wpa-wpa2 psk pass-phrase huawei123 aes
[AC-wlan-view]vap-profile name ap1
[AC-wlan-vap-prof-ap1]ssid-profile ap1
Info: This operation may take a few seconds, please wait.done.
[AC-wlan-vap-prof-ap1]security-profile ap1anquan
Info: This operation may take a few seconds, please wait.done.
[AC-wlan-vap-prof-ap1]service-vlan vlan 20
[AC-wlan-vap-prof-ap1]forward-mode direct-forward # 默认为直接转发可以不用配置
[AC-wlan-view]ap-group name group1
[AC-wlan-ap-group-group1]vap-profile ap1 wlan 1 radio all
Info: This operation may take a few seconds, please wait...done.
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sys n
[Huawei]sysn LSW1
[LSW1]v b 10 20
[LSW1]int g0/0/1
[LSW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p l t
[LSW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p t a v 10 20
[LSW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]int g0/0/2
[LSW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p l t
[LSW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p t a v 10 20
[LSW1-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]port trunk pvid v 10 (目的: 将vlan10作为管理vlan)
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